
13 Top Web Development Tips

What are the keys to building a successful presence on the search engine results pages? What are the most important SEO factors for getting your site discovered by Google’s search bot and how can we get in on the action?

So you’re looking for the best SEO practice to get your website noticed by Google? Look no further. Take your time. Exam the ideas below and then transform the effectiveness of your WordPress website.

Follow these top web development tips and it will make you stand ahead of all.

1. Unique META tags

All META tags, keywords, description, and most specifically tile – must be unique on each page and describe the content on the page. WordPress users should consider the ‘All in One SEO‘ plugin that will take care of all this for you.


2. Canonical URLs

Use a consistent URL scheme across the site – don’t mix with and never use a link to index.php or index.php?page=home. In the latter three cases, a link back to the web root is preferential eg. WordPress users should consider Yoasts plugin called Canonical URL’s for WordPress.

canonical url

3. Search friendly URLs and absolute URLs

Using URL rewriting, create URLs that make sense to the human eye, eg. NOTE: NEVER use underscores in URLs orfor file naming, always use hyphens. Use absolute links throughout the site eg. include the in every A HREF. When linking to a page, as opposed to an index, always suffix “.html” onto the URL. All URLs should end with “/” or “.html”.

xmlseo consultant

4. Proper use of H1 tags

The H1 should be the main heading of the page, semantically proceeded by h4, H3 etc. Do not use H1 for the logo, use an alternative tag. Your H1 should also be reflected in the META Title of the page.

look under the hood part 2

5. Logo naming

Don’t name your logo image Logo.jpg. Instead name it something relevant to the site – for example for a jewellery site, name it jewellery.jpg


6. NoFollow links

The rel=”nofollow” attribute prevents search engines from leaking page rank to useless pages, for example, for terms and conditions, privacy policy and in most cases contact pages (unless they include a physical address for example).

dofollow nofollow links

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7. XML Sitemap

There is a Google sitemap generator available that will create an XML sitemap and update it on the fly, informing Google of any new pages. All sites should contain an XML sitemap as well as a XHTML one. Show both sitemaps in the footer like this:

Contact | Privacy | Terms | Sitemap (XML Version)

WordPress users should consider the Google XML Sitemap plugin.

Website With Sitemap

8. Images with ALT attributes

All images should have ALT attributes, primarily to describe the image for screenreaders, but they can have an SEO benefit by including site keywords.

9. 301 redirects

Especially important when redeveloping an old site – ensure old URLs are 301 back to the homepage. A 301 redirect tells search engines “This content has moved permanently”.

301 redirect

10. Don’t use frames

We’re sure you don’t use them.. do you? Well don’t because amongst other things the content within a frame isn’t accessible to search engines. Same applies to iframes.

11. Check for W3C compliance

This is part of best practic and has a positive benefit for SEO.


12. Don’t call links page “links”

This has negative connotations to link farms, reciprocal linking etc. Instead, use a term like “Resources”, “Related Sites” etc. You should preferably come up with a term which is unique to the site, whilst still describing the page accurately.

13. Keep CSS and JS external

The less clutter there is in the page, the less markup search engines have to sift through. Also, avoid inline styles and inline javascript for the same reason.

HTML CSS PHP Javascript And More Cheat Sheets

About the author


Naaz is a web designer and loves to find new tips and tricks for creativity purposes and likes to share them with the people.


  • “NEVER use underscores in URLs or for file naming, always use hyphens.”

    Why not? Rather than just laying down your own top 10 favourites, why not research into WHY you should use hyphens and not underscores. Is there a rule? No. Do URL’s stop working if you use underscores? No. So is this just an “idea” of yours to make things look “nice”?

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