
5 Tips to Avoid “Hit or Miss” Approach to Web Design

Webflow Interactions does minimalism brilliantly. It is a text book example of how your design will not lose its impact even though you aren’t packing it with numerous design elements.

4. Typography


The typography used on your website must readable, of the right size and must integrate seamlessly with the design concept. But why not look beyond the traditional use of typography and make it an integral part of the website’s design. Using beautiful typography that is both visually striking and extremely functional is a great way of winning over your visitors. Some designers believe great typography is the foundation of website design. Whether you think along these lines or not, the fact remains that using the right typography will allow your design to leave an impact.

Don’t just choose type because you have to use it, use it because it means something. You can use different typefaces to make more of an impact especially if you want to express a change in the conversation tone or highlight something important.

At times the use of unique typefaces is needed for a text heavy page. In such cases, there is very little scope to exhibit your design skills so what better way to improve visuals than using typography as the centerpiece of the design. This is something that the guys behind Ultranoir have done amazingly well with their blog.

5. Clarity in your Head

The battle for effective web design is won or lost in your head. So think very carefully about how you want to tackle a particular project. Do you want to go ultra-creative with it or just stick to the fundamentals and focus on the tenets of design minimalism? Some designers can be accused of trying to showcase their creative ability rather than ensuring that the design meets precise client requirements. This is a cardinal error. Remember when it comes to web design – it needs to be client defined and user oriented. If you can display your creativity within the client-target user framework, you will be on the right track. Anything else is just setting up your website design for failure.

To Conclude

Keeping these tips in mind the next time you design will definitely start you off in the right direction and more towards the hit side of the fence than the miss. But, don’t limit yourself to these tips. Make sure you keep analyzing why some sites work and others don’t and keep track of what successful web designers are doing. This will help you refine your web design strategy and make it even more effective, meaning you can come up with great web designs every single time.

About the author


Naaz is a web designer and loves to find new tips and tricks for creativity purposes and likes to share them with the people.

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