404 error occurs due to typing in the wrong URL or clicking on a broken link. Now its a very useful technique that you can do to your website to have a custom 404 error page to maintain visitor’s interest. That’s why many designers these days are taking a little extra time and effort to get creative with the 404 page. Doing so helps ease frustration by the user and shows an attention to detail.
Some of them can be really interesting to look at when stumbled onto accidentally. Here are 50 outstanding and Stylish 404 Error Pages that I compiled. There are a lot more nice ones actually but think we save it for the next round. Enjoy!
Many web designers take the time to build a custom 404 page, that helps keep visitors on your website, perhaps suggesting alternative content or simply keeping them amused in the face of an error. Below you’ll find a collection of 50 outstanding and Stylish 404 Error Pages.
Highly creative stuff, expecting a lot of similar stuff from your blog in the near future!!..
Beneficial info and excellent design you got here! I want to thank you for sharing your ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great work!
sure.. let me know and what you can provide