Are you really finding difficult on How to Create Cartoon Characters? Yes you are right, cartoons characters is the most difficult and interesting things for designers especially when you are working in Photoshop. Photoshop and Illustrator are one of the core application from Adobe. Based on those two tools they are designing more application like Adobe Aftereffects, Adobe In-design and many more.
There are so many Photoshop tutorials available over the web and there are a lot of powerful and supporting tools and software for illustration like Illustrator, Corel Draw etc. Find best Photoshop Tutorials on How To Design A Cartoon Character in adobe Photoshop and illustrator. Create similar cartoon in these Photoshop tutorials.
Here is a collection of the best cartoon creating tutorials for beginner as well as for the advance users of photoshop and illustrator. We hope you enjoying reading and practicing them.
Ultimate Tutorials to Create Cartoon Characters | Designs Mag . LOL, awesome dude.
I like the monster cartoon characters and the twitter bird as well. Nice materials for designsers I think.